14th annual congress of the European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders
3 au 5 février
D’après la communication orale de Pipe S. Efficacy and safety of etranacogene dezaparvovec in adults with severe or moderate-severe hemophilia B: first data from the phase 3 HOPE-B gene therapy trial.
D’après la communication orale de Kloosterman FR, et al. Factor IX assay discrepancy in non-severe hemophilia B – A cross-sectional study in the Netherlands.
D’après la communication orale de Ragni M. Perioperative management of patients with haemophilia (PWH) receiving fitusiran prophylaxis with reduced doses of BPA or factor replacement.
D’après la communication orale de Lethagen S. People with haemophilia including female carriers in Nordic countries die at an earlier age and have significant co-morbidities. Abstract 155.
D’après la communication orale de Heijdra J, et al. Lowering the burden of Desmopressin testing in Von Willebrand disease and low vWF.
D’après la communication orale de Batty P. Characterisation of adeno-associated virus vector persistence after long-term follow-up in the haemophilia A dog model.
D’après la communication orale de Delignat S. Transplacental delivery of Fc-fused factor VIII (RFVIIIFC) in FVIII-deficient mice.
D’après la communication orale de Shapiro A, et al. Safety and longer-term efficacy of concizumab prophylaxis in patients with haemophilia A or B with inhibitors: results from the extension part of the phase 2 EXPLORER Trial. Abstract 194.
D’après la communication orale de Sullivan S. SPK-8016: preliminary results from a phase 1/2 clinical trial of gene therapy for hemophilia A.
Parcours d’expert
Équipe éditoriale
Rédacteur en chef
CHRU de Tours
Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades, Paris
Caroline KITEL
CHU de Lille
CHRU de Brest
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